DOVAD Student Portfolio Review

The DOVAD Student Portfolio Review will be held Saturday, December 12th at 10:00 am in Graphic Design class room. Students are expected to arrive early, 9:45 am, with final portfolio, business cards, and resume copies in hand. Portfolios may be picked up from the gallery starting at 9:00 am that morning. Snacks will be provided during the review, lunch with the reviewers afterwards.

Eighth Week Progress Presentations

The semester is moving along even faster now. Next week will be the eighth week of school. A progress presentation of the status your work-to-date in class is due Thursday, 10/24.

Please create a class presentation of two of your most beloved Portfolio Projects. Each project should consist of a short description and/or problem/solution statement, some design process — research, thumbnails, comps — final designs, and applications. Lastly, include a four to six page layout of how the projects will be presented in your final portfolio.

The presentation will most likely consist up to a dozen slides.

Each student will be given 3 to 4 minutes to present their blog report to the entire class that day. Tess will be first at 5:45, followed by Shalynn and continuing in reverse alphabetical order down to Amberly as listed on the class blog classmates link.

Although the content may differ, all Independent Study students are also required to post and present their progress to-date as well.

Fourth Week Progress Presentations

The semester is moving along briskly. We are already well into the fourth week of shcool.
A progress presentation of the status your work-to-date in class are due Thursday, 9/24.

Please post a presentation of your work-to-date on your personal class blog by the beginning of class that day. It will consist of 13 slides including:
• Your current student identity.
• Your current resume design.
• Your current business card design.
• A concise list of your particular design talents and skills.
• A short description of your short term design goals upon graduation, as well your long term
  design goals within the next 5 to 10 years.
• A concise description and single image of your proposed Portfolio Project #1.
• A concise description and single image of your proposed Portfolio Project #2.
• A concise description and single image of your proposed Portfolio Project #3.
• A concise description and single image of your proposed Portfolio Project #4.
• A concise description and single image of your proposed Portfolio Project #5.
• A concise description and single image of your proposed Portfolio Project #6.
• A concise description and single image of your proposed Portfolio Project #7.
• A description and image of your proposed final Portfolio format - a book, binder, etc?

Each student will be given 3 to 4 minutes to present their blog report to the entire class that day. Tess will be first at 5:45, followed by Amberly and continuing in alphabetical order as listed on the class blog classmates link.

Although the content may differ, all Independent Study students are also required to post and present their progress to-date as well.

Portfolio / Job is a Creative Problem

Final Portfolio - 12/15

Post a link to and/or your Final Portfolio.

Two Portfolio CDs are also due.

BFA/Thesis Show Installation - 12/4

If you are a graduating senior, post a picture of your Shaw Gallery BFA Show Installation.

If you are a junior, post a picture of your Student Union Gallery Thesis Show Installation.